The answer is that I am too lazy to pursue anything else, especially right now. The work that I would have to do to make this more than a personal journal seems like too much for something that I do for fun and more to the point is not a priority. My only real choice is to have one of my posts become viral, but that does not seem to be possible considering that this blog is not popular and I do not really say anything controversial that would get shared everywhere.

Do I want more people to read my blog? Yes, it would be nice. At the same time, I am not going to follow everyone who has similar interests to me with the hope that they will be engaged in my blog. It’s too much work for something that is just a hobby. My numbers are really low, but I am getting out of it what I put in. It would be a bit of a risk (because there is only so much time in the day) to spend anymore time trying to make this blog into something when the reality is that even more effort may not change anything.